For this project, we engaged young people in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the UK. We created a space for them to contribute to the development of an immersive and interactive online experience, aiming to capture the mass migration and personal stories of the 1947 Partition of India in a unique way.
The virtual exhibition is a choice-based (graphic-novel) experience, using representative characters with stories of migration. The user will choose a character, and then will have to make decisions about where they go, how they travel, and ultimately, decide what happens to them - do they reach safely, or die along the way? Where do they end up living? The exhibition will be a space for people to step into the lives of partition survivors as it stood in and around 1947.
Using stories of people who ended up in Pakistan, India, and the UK during the migration, the exhibition has been shared with schools and teachers in 4 countries – the UK, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The exhibition has four storylines focused on this history.