Inheritance exhibition

Since February 2023, seven Glasgow-based young people of South Asian Heritage and six young people in Bangalore, have been exploring the nature of shared histories, memories and identities between India and the UK. In collaboration with Glasgow Museums and Street Level Photoworks in Glasgow, and Museum of Art & Photography (MAP) and Kanike studio in Bangalore, they undertook a series of photography training activities, from online talks to in-person workshops, culminating in a simultaneous exhibition of their works in Glasgow and Bangalore.
The works in this exhibition, Inheritance, include portraiture, staged photography and documentary, in order to interrogate how identities are constructed and reconstructed, perceived and imagined, contested and embraced. They explore themes of family and cultural history, migration, place, class, gender identity, conventions of social life and notions of community.

You can watch a 3D walk-through on Streetlevel Photoworks' website:

The participants in Bangalore are: Nidhi Bhandari, Aryan Gulati, Ganesh B V, Sacheth N, Tanvi Mallapur, Pragyna Divakar, and in Glasgow are Chrislyn Naysha Pereira, Amina Bashir, Zainab Ashraf, Zianib Nisa Ahmad, Roshni Advani, Malini Chakrabarty, Zain Saleem.

Participants had no formal photography training or qualifications, and come from a variety of professional and educational backgrounds. They were guided by visual artists Morwenna Kearsley and Arpita Shah to explore representations of South Asian heritage and identity, using photography and museum collections as a point of origin or thematic reference. In the first four months of the project, the Glasgow-based young people have completed a series of practical in-person photography workshops at Street Level, a leading photography arts organisation. They have also attended online talks and participated in discussion with guest artists, as well as in skills and knowledge sharing with the participants in Bangalore.

Now, they are putting their new skills to the test, collaborating in the production of their own photography exhibition which will be displayed at Street Level Photoworks and the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) in Glasgow and, simultaneously, at Kanike and MAP in Bangalore, in September-October 2023.